Coming off the back of a period where the purchase market – from a residential and buy-to-let perspective – made up a vast percentage of intermediary business, advisers are having to refocus somewhat as activity levels are shifting more towards the remortgage market as vast numbers of product terms are expiring across the industry.
This is especially apparent in the BTL sector which is being driven by considerable numbers of five-year fixed rate deals maturing over the course of the year and the ball really is in the court of proactive advisers to make the most of these remortgage opportunities in what remains a highly competitive lending space and an uncertain interest rate environment.
This is evident in a recent webinar poll from CHL Mortgages which outlined that 70% of portfolio landlords expect to remortgage or consolidate loans over the next 12 months.
When breaking this down, over half (53%) of broker respondents had one to five portfolio landlord clients who would remortgage or consolidate loans in 2022. 16% highlighted that they had over 10 portfolio landlord clients likely to remortgage or consolidate loans over the next 12 months. Further polls were taken during the webinar around limited company activity and SPVs.
When asked the question: ‘What percentage of your landlord clients are considering opening limited companies for their buy-to-let properties?', almost a third of broker respondents (29%) said that more than 75% of their portfolio clients were considering the move.
Focusing on SPVs and trading companies, 51% of brokers said they have clients wishing to house properties in a trading company instead of setting up an SPV, with 49% not believing this to be the case for landlords they are working with.
This data really does highlight the wealth of opportunities for advisers which will continue to emerge in the coming weeks and months, much of which will come from the more specialist end of the BTL sector. So, if you require any additional support in accessing these product types, then why not speak to the team here at Dynamo for Intermediaries to find out more.
Cat Armstrong - 30.03.2022 | Posted in